AP crashes when recording

Thank you for the reply! I have sent the log files to support@atomisystems.com

Hi Joost,

Thanks for sharing the ActivePresenter log file. We’re investigating it.
In the meantime, please help us check again with the settings:

  • Deselect the Use Direct3D for recording screen option in the ActivePresenter > Preferences > Miscellaneous tab.
  • Select Flash Screen Video for Video Codec in the Recording Settings for Video dialog in case you don’t need to record high frame rate.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Hi Thuy,

I tried your suggestions but the problem keeps occurring. Sometimes AP stops working when I want to stop filming, other times it closes itself without notice.

Hi Joost
Could you please try the following settings in turns to see if it works:

  • Select the Always use software recorders for decoding video option. ( **ActivePresenter button > Preferences > Miscellaneous tab.)
  • Deselect the Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering option.

All the best,

Hi Thuy,

Unfortunately, the suggested settings do not seem to work, the problem keeps occurring.

I want to add that I have been working with Active Presenter for about 2 years and I really enjoy the application. However recently it seems to have stopped being a stable application. Around January/February this year I had these exact same problems on a Windows 10 laptop. Around that time I switched to a new laptop with Windows 11 and it worked fine until it a few days ago.

Hi Joost,

The problem is really weird.

Can you please delete the following folder: C:\Users<your_user_name>\AppData\Roaming\ActivePresenter then try installing the version 9.0.6 to see if it works? You can download it from: https://cdn.atomisystems.com/apdownloads/ActivePresenter_v9.0.6_setup.exe



Thanks for the suggestion! I tried this and it seems to work! Does this mean that version 9.0.7 is not compatible with my system?

Thanks for your information.

We are investing the issue and will try to fix it. Since we cannot reproduce the problem on our machines, I will contact to you in the next few days via email to ask for your help in testing the fix.

We are sorry for this inconvenience.

Best regards,

Thank you for investigating it, sorry it is such a weird problem!

On a side note: I use active presenter for my company and starting tomorrow I will be on a holiday until June 6th and will not read any email or updates on this issue. Please feel free to message me here or send a DM and I will reply when I resume working.

Best regards,

Hi! Can you give me a status update please? I would like to update to the latest version safely!

Hi @insert_user_name,

Thank you for your follow-up.
Our latest version, ActivePresenter 9.1 has been released with the improvements in stability but I’m not sure if it addresses your issue.
So, just access the Help tab > Check Updates and try out this latest version.

Best regards,

After updating to 9.1 it crashes again… I have added the log files in this post. Hope this helps.

I will get back to 9.06 since that version seems to be stable.

ActivePresenter 20230629.log (1.6 MB)

We appreciate your efforts in helping us investigate the issue you encountered after updating ActivePresenter, @insert_user_name.
Upon reviewing the log files you provided, our technical team is currently analyzing the data to identify the root cause of the crash.
In the mean time, if the issue persists in some specific projects, kindly send one project with its external data folder named in the PROJECT_FILE_files (if any). See detailed steps here: How to Send Projects with External Data Folders - ActivePresenter 8 - YouTube).
If these files are large, you can upload them to a cloud storage site like Google Drive and then send the download link to us here or to support@atomisystems.com.

We look forward to assisting you.

Hi Thuy,

The problem is again with recording video’s, sometimes it crashes instantly, sometimes after 20 minutes and everywhere in between. It is in new projects and existing projects. I haven’t tested 9.1 enough to know if crashes occur when editing a project. (That also used to be the case before)

Hello again,
After some more testing I found a weird bug with the screen recordings in 9.06. When the audio is recorded in stereo everything seems fine, when it’s changed to mono, Active Presenter almost immediately shuts down after I press the ‘Record’ button.
I record the audio via an external sound card (Focusrite 2i2) that has no issues with recording in mono in other programs.

Attached are my settings. Hope this helps.

Hi @insert_user_name,

Did you see the crash report dialog?

If the crash report dialog appears, please fill in your email address and send it to us.
If not, please send us the log file so we can check. To view the log:

  • In Start Page, click Preferences (the Gear icon)
  • Select Miscellaneous.
  • Click View Log.

(If you cannot attach the log here, please send it to support@atomisystems.com)


The crash dialogue didn’t appear. It usually doesn’t.

In the attachment are the log files.
ActivePresenter 20230713.log (217.7 KB)

Hi @insert_user_name ,

It seems the problem is related to webcam recording. Can you please try turning off webcam recording to see if the problem happens or not?


Hi! I tried that and it doesn’t seem tot work. The first time I got a crash report. The other times it shut down without notice.
I made four attempts recording without a webcam. First two times it crashed inmediatley. I noticed that AP keeps defaulting to the windows video driver so on attempts three and four I changed the video driver to the built in Nvidia driver. Successfully recorded for 5 minutes and it crashed again around 10 minutes.

ActivePresenter 20230718.log (250.6 KB)
AP report

Update: Today I upgraded to 9.1.3 and the problem seems to have stopped.