Amazon Polly - SSO

Problem: Cannot connect to Amazon Polly

ActivePresenter version: 9.1.3

OS: Windows 11


I am trying to connect ActivePresenter to Amazon Polly. The AWS account that I am using is an SSO account, not an individual account. I can pull out the Access Key and Secret Key from the SSO service no problem, but I also am given a Session Token.

With the Access Key and Secret Key provided, testing authentication gives an error “The Access Key is invalid”.

I’ve checked the log, and it doesn’t add much:

{“message”:“The security token included in the request is invalid.”}

I suspect that this error is because I am not including the Session Token and am using an SSO account on AWS.

Are there any workarounds for linking to an SSO account?

Answering my own question for the benefit of others. Looks like in AWS you have to create an IAM role, then switch to that role and generate a specific Access / Secret Key pair.

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