Allowing Learner Choice for Simulation Modes

I would like to build a single course that allows the learner to choose how to interact with the simulation - demonstration, tutorial, practice, and test.

With other software, I’ve been able to do this with a landing page and buttons that would direct to the specific kind of interaction. None of the action choices in Active Presenter 9 seem to point to launching the simulation in one mode versus another.

An earlier post suggested this was not available in 7. Is it available in 9?

What do you suggest?

Apologies for perhaps not answering the question directly but have you tried publishing a project as all forms and selecting to generate an index page?

This should generate a page where the learner can select a particular mode.

Is this the concept you were aiming for?

The Index seems clunky and I don’t want them to be able to skip content. I have this lesson map with concepts, video, and quiz activated with the icons. I’d like to add icons so that learners can choose to work through the simulation in practice mode but also to skip practice mode for the test mode.

I might offer a suggestion then since you want them to follow a path here…

This becomes a bit of a branching setup where the learner starts with say the play button only showing so they click on it and work through the material - let’s say 5 slides worth of stuff - and at the end of that they are returned to the main slide you have showing above but now the arrow in the mechanical room is showing - now they can click on this and review the content and upon returning to the diagram - now the ideas icon is showing.

Basically - use custom navigation - no playbar and each button takes you to the designated start and back to the menu. Play jumps to slide 2, arrow to slide 7, and ideas to slide 15 or something.

I know that is a pretty short description - hopefully it makes sense.

It definitely makes sense and was my plan. Using variables to track completions and having the icons drive to the sections.

I can’t figure out how to have the icon launch the simulation in a specific mode. And alas, it’s more like 50 slides.

I don’t know that there is a way to launch a mode per se.
When publishing, I know each mode is its own html file.
I have not played with what you’re asking personally of AP but I have done many projects with a similar design concept.

Video to watch it being done.
Simulation to practice on your own.
Assessment to check for understanding
or something similar…

I prefer to have my simulations all on one slide and I will build them that way with screenshots and clickboxes or text entry along with JavaScript to drive the logic. I don’t make use of the screen recording feature myself.

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