Additional formatting control

When I edit shapes in a capture I can adjust things like text margins, left/center/right justification, etc., but there doesn’t seem to be any way to edit the styles so that an entire project uses the same settings everywhere. Is there a way to edit the additional properties of the shapes, or can it be added to an upcoming release?


You can change style for multiple objects at once as described in this tutorial:
If you want to set default style for projects or objects which will be created later, please click ACTIVEPRESENTER menu > Preferences / Project Settings > Annotation / Interaction tab > select a type of object > click Change Style.


I used the method described in the tutorial to change the styles of some objects, but the problem isn’t changing styles of multiple objects, it’s that I can’t edit things like the text margins in a shape and save it as a default to use when I create a new shape. Ideally, I’d like to have control of some additional format settings (like text margins) in the styles before I even start a capture so that I don’t have to go through afterward and adjust them one at a time.

If I use Preferences / Project Settings > Annotation / Interaction tab > select a type of object > click Change Style, the style settings don’t include all of the formatting that I see in, for example, a shape’s properties window (like text margins).

After reviewing the properties window, it’s apparent that there are just a few additional properties that I would like to be able to set defaults for: text margins, entrance/exit effects, and auto-label.


Unfortunately, some properties such as text margin don’t have global settings or batch operations, you must edit it manually for each object. Entrance/Exit effect can be set default in Preferences/ Project Settings and has Change Transition Effect for Multiple Objects batch operation.


That’s why it’s a feature request :grinning:

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