Adding multiple files at once

When I go to:

Annotations --> Video --> From file…

I can add just one file at a time. I would like to be able to select and add multiple files. Is that somehow possible, or can you implement that feature?


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You just need to select the files in Windows Explorer (I guess you are using the Windows version), then drop them into Canvas (the center largest window).


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Ah, tank you! I did try something like that before, but I dropped them on the Timeline, and that caused each video to appear in a new project. But this works great, thanks!

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I was going to request the same feature. Thanks for this. I also instinctively had been trying to drop them on the timeline. Perhaps it would be a good idea to make timeline drops behave the same as canvas drops?


Hi Jac,

I just want to let you know that dropping on Timeline will be available in the next version.


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