active presenter stops recording when windows ask admin permission

active presenter stops recording when windows ask admin permission

Hi Dipak,

Please try running ActivePresenter as an administrator to see if it works.
(Right-click the ActivePresenter icon on the desktop > select “Run as administrator ”)

If the issue still persists, kindly share the ActivePresenter log so we can check further.
To view the log, click the ActivePresenter button > Preferences (the Gear icon) > Miscellaneous > View Log.


Actually It works amazing overall, I did so many screen recording with it. I works well. The problem is when I start recording screen it does it’s job amazingly, But when I open any other application which required administrator permission then the frames started dropping and stopped recording at that moment and after that nothings gets recorded.
I also run it with administrator but still the case is same.

Log -

Thank you for your additional information.
This log shows an error but we are not sure if it’s related to running with admin rights.
Please try recording 2 times (one records normally and the other records with admin rights). Then send us the ActivePresenter log file of both times with 2 projects so we can check.
You can zip those files and send us the link or send them to so we can check.


Logs (With Admin rights) - Active presenter with admin rights - Google Docs

Logs (Without Admin rights) - Active presenter without admin rights - Google Docs

The problem is when recording is on, whenever we open other application with admin rights that’s when windows shows pop up for admin rights, then it stop recording from there. that’s the main problem.

Hi Dipak,

Please try setting the Intel card for ActivePresenter to see if it works.


Yes it works, Now while recording when I open any another app which required admin rights it doesn’t stop recording. Excellent, Do you any idea of how to export recording with nvidia gpu ?

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You can try reinstalling your Nvidia card driver and setting that card for ActivePresenter to see if it can capture your screen :slight_smile:

Okay, Thank you for support