Thank you Arnie for your useful suggestions and a nice sample. Saola Animate is just in its early releases, feedbacks from users like you will help us to make it more powerful and convenient.
Your sample contains very large images (5760 x 2118), so it takes quite a long time to load on slow network connections. By default, Saola Animate limits the loading time for each image to 10s. Maybe the car is not loaded completely in 10s in FF and IE so you see the rims first without the car. Please try adding the following handler to the Create event of your document to remove default loading time limit. I guess this issue will not occur anymore:
function onDocumentCreated(doc, e) {
doc.preloader.options.maxItemTime = 0;
About your suggestions, some of them can be done in the current version, though it may be not convenient:
The ability to format divs and shapes with CSS: You can use JavaScript to set CSS for divs and shapes
Event Handlers: Show/hide with fade: You can create timelines which animate Display and Opacity, then use Start Timeline action.
Your script works perfectly.
Little jerkys in IE11, but it’s the IE.
I know that I can address CSS via Javascript, but I need much longer than with pure CSS.
I thought of an optional fade for show / hide without the timeline. That would be a nice little Timesaver.