2 questions in a Pool of 8 questions random


The video is looped so the actual timeline duration is not limited by the last slide duration and this issue occurs. It’s not a new issue in version 8.3.0. We’ll fix it in the next version.

In the meantime, you can place the playhead near the end of the last slide, split the video, delete its latter part, and make the first part show to the end of the slide to overcome this issue.


Hi @ToanLS,
Please could You show me how to do this?
Or could You send me a video example?

Very thanks

Please see the steps in this video:
(Please note the issue will not occur if your video doesn’t loop and video duration is shorter than slide duration)

I Will try meantime You Will fix It in the next release.
Thanks again
P.s. how can i deactivate the loop or increase the slide duration?

You can drag the right edge of the slide bar in Timeline to change the slide duration.
Slide duration can also be changed from Transition toolbar tab, or Properties - Slide > First tab > General section.

Video loop can be change in Properties > First tab > Video section.


Very thanks @ToanLS
I Will try disabling the loop.

Hi @ToanLS,
considering I have set 1 point for each correct answer, what is the right option for the SCORM in order to pass the lesson?
(I have Moodle as LMS)



You can select the Pass Condition option to be Percent of correct answer, or Point gained.
Percent of correct answer means the total score in percentage, while Point gained means the total score.
You can see this tutorial for more detail: https://atomisystems.com/tutorials/ap8/set-pass-fail-conditions-for-lessons-in-activepresenter-8/


Hi @ToanLS,
Thanks for your reply.
I Will try with these 2 options and I Will notify You.
In any case and in this specific project, I must to add a report slide at the end of not?


Report slide is for your learners/viewers to view their results and review the interactions they took.
If you want to allow them to do so, you should insert the report slide.
Here is the tutorial about course review: https://atomisystems.com/tutorials/ap8/how-to-review-a-course-in-activepresenter-8/

There are many useful tutorials on our website and Youtube channel that you should take a look:


Thanks, but if I don’t add the report slide at the end and if I set well the pass option, the lesson is considered passed for Moodle, right?
P.s. in this case, considering that the user must to answer correctly 4 questions, what Is the right pass option?

Yes, the passed/failed result is always sent to the LMS when the lesson is completed.
The pass codition for answering 4 question correctly (1 point / question) is Points gained not less than 4


Ok, thanks @ToanLS
I Will notify You if the LMS with this settings works properly.
You are kind as always.

Hi @ToanLS,
with your code (see attachment text file) I need also the duration of my video (see image).
Please could you update your code?

code-toan.txt (5.6 KB)


My script doesn’t hide the total duration.
It looks like you accidentally turned it off in Player Settings.
Please make sure Total Duration checkbox (in Player Settings > Toolbar) is checked.


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