{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf2708 \cocoatextscaling0\cocoaplatform0{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;;} \paperw11900\paperh16840\margl1440\margr1440\vieww11520\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs24 \cf0 \ ================================\ 2023-02-20 23:24:06: ActivePresenter 8.5.8 - 64-bit build. (Release Build: 2022.07.28) started\ OS: macOS Version 13.1 (Build 22C65)\ CPU Count: 8\ Hostname: Ariyans-MacBook-Air. Memory: 4,388 MB. Available: 1,211 MB. Memory Load: 72%\ Disk Space: 233,752 MB (Free: 13,440 MB)\ Project Location: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/\ 2023-02-20 23:24:06: TempDir: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp\ 2023-02-20 23:24:50: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-20 23:24:50: RLMedia: Using AVStream.codec to pass codec parameters to muxers is deprecated, use AVStream.codecpar instead.\ 2023-02-20 23:24:50: Preparing to record audio from: Ariyan\'82\'c4\'f4s AirPo. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Sample Format: 8\ 2023-02-20 23:24:50: Failed to open audio stream to record. Error: Invalid number of channels.\ 2023-02-20 23:24:50: Preparing to record audio from: Ariyan\'82\'c4\'f4s AirPo. Channel: 1. Sample rate: 24000. Sample Format: 8\ 2023-02-20 23:24:50: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-20 23:24:50: RLMedia: Using AVStream.codec to pass codec parameters to muxers is deprecated, use AVStream.codecpar instead.\ 2023-02-20 23:24:50: Failed to load icon: microphone_on_128_d.png\ 2023-02-20 23:24:50: Failed to load icon: microphone_on_128_d.png\ 2023-02-20 23:24:51: Failed to load icon: capture_fullscreen_selected_128_d.png\ 2023-02-20 23:24:51: Failed to load icon: capture_customsize_128_d.png\ 2023-02-20 23:24:51: Failed to load icon: capture_fullscreen_128_d.png\ 2023-02-20 23:24:51: Failed to load icon: capture_customsize_selected_128_d.png\ 2023-02-20 23:24:51: Failed to load icon: capture_fullscreen_selected_128_d.png\ 2023-02-20 23:24:51: Failed to load icon: capture_customsize_128_d.png\ 2023-02-20 23:24:51: Failed to load icon: microphone_off_128_d.png\ 2023-02-20 23:24:51: Failed to load icon: microphone_on_128_d.png\ 2023-02-20 23:24:50: Preparing to record audio from: Ariyan\'82\'c4\'f4s AirPo. Channel: 1. Sample rate: 24000. Sample Format: 8\ 2023-02-20 23:24:51: Need to handle a capability with different min/max framerates. This works but need more testing. min framerate: 1.000000, max framerate: 30.000000\ \ 2023-02-20 23:24:51: Need to handle a capability with different min/max framerates. This works but need more testing. min framerate: 1.000000, max framerate: 30.000000\ \ 2023-02-20 23:24:51: RLWebcamImpl: Finding formats for pixel format -1\ 2023-02-20 23:24:51: RLWebcamImpl: Pixel format -1 is not supported\ 2023-02-20 23:24:51: RLWebcamImpl: Pixel format 25 is used\ 2023-02-20 23:24:51: RLWebcamImpl: Finding formats for resolution 640x430\ 2023-02-20 23:24:51: RLWebcamImpl: Resolution 640x430 is not supported\ 2023-02-20 23:24:51: RLWebcamImpl: Resolution 1280x720 is used\ 2023-02-20 23:24:51: RLWebcamImpl: Finding formats for frame rate 30/1\ 2023-02-20 23:25:16: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-20 23:25:16: RLMedia: Using AVStream.codec to pass codec parameters to muxers is deprecated, use AVStream.codecpar instead.\ 2023-02-20 23:25:16: Preparing to record audio from: Background Music. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Sample Format: 8\ 2023-02-20 23:25:16: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-20 23:25:16: RLMedia: Using AVStream.codec to pass codec parameters to muxers is deprecated, use AVStream.codecpar instead.\ 2023-02-20 23:25:16: Failed to load icon: microphone_on_128_d.png\ 2023-02-20 23:25:16: Preparing to record audio from: Background Music. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Sample Format: 8\ \ ================================\ 2023-02-20 23:25:34: ActivePresenter 8.5.8 - 64-bit build. (Release Build: 2022.07.28) started\ OS: macOS Version 13.1 (Build 22C65)\ CPU Count: 8\ Hostname: Ariyans-MacBook-Air. Memory: 4,714 MB. Available: 1,368 MB. Memory Load: 70%\ Disk Space: 233,752 MB (Free: 13,344 MB)\ Project Location: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/\ 2023-02-20 23:25:34: TempDir: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp\ 2023-02-20 23:25:46: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-20 23:25:46: RLMedia: Using AVStream.codec to pass codec parameters to muxers is deprecated, use AVStream.codecpar instead.\ 2023-02-20 23:25:46: Preparing to record audio from: Ariyan\'82\'c4\'f4s AirPo. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Sample Format: 8\ 2023-02-20 23:25:46: Failed to open audio stream to record. Error: Invalid number of channels.\ 2023-02-20 23:25:46: Preparing to record audio from: Ariyan\'82\'c4\'f4s AirPo. Channel: 1. Sample rate: 24000. Sample Format: 8\ 2023-02-20 23:25:46: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-20 23:25:46: RLMedia: Using AVStream.codec to pass codec parameters to muxers is deprecated, use AVStream.codecpar instead.\ 2023-02-20 23:25:46: Failed to load icon: microphone_on_128_d.png\ 2023-02-20 23:25:46: Failed to load icon: microphone_on_128_d.png\ 2023-02-20 23:25:46: Failed to load icon: capture_fullscreen_selected_128_d.png\ 2023-02-20 23:25:46: Failed to load icon: capture_customsize_128_d.png\ 2023-02-20 23:25:47: Failed to load icon: capture_fullscreen_128_d.png\ 2023-02-20 23:25:47: Failed to load icon: capture_customsize_selected_128_d.png\ 2023-02-20 23:25:47: Failed to load icon: capture_fullscreen_selected_128_d.png\ 2023-02-20 23:25:47: Failed to load icon: capture_customsize_128_d.png\ 2023-02-20 23:25:47: Failed to load icon: microphone_off_128_d.png\ 2023-02-20 23:25:47: Failed to load icon: microphone_on_128_d.png\ 2023-02-20 23:25:46: Preparing to record audio from: Ariyan\'82\'c4\'f4s AirPo. Channel: 1. Sample rate: 24000. Sample Format: 8\ 2023-02-20 23:25:47: Need to handle a capability with different min/max framerates. This works but need more testing. min framerate: 1.000000, max framerate: 30.000000\ \ 2023-02-20 23:25:47: Need to handle a capability with different min/max framerates. This works but need more testing. min framerate: 1.000000, max framerate: 30.000000\ \ 2023-02-20 23:25:47: RLWebcamImpl: Finding formats for pixel format -1\ 2023-02-20 23:25:47: RLWebcamImpl: Pixel format -1 is not supported\ 2023-02-20 23:25:47: RLWebcamImpl: Pixel format 25 is used\ 2023-02-20 23:25:47: RLWebcamImpl: Finding formats for resolution 640x430\ 2023-02-20 23:25:47: RLWebcamImpl: Resolution 640x430 is not supported\ 2023-02-20 23:25:47: RLWebcamImpl: Resolution 1280x720 is used\ 2023-02-20 23:25:47: RLWebcamImpl: Finding formats for frame rate 30/1\ 2023-02-20 23:27:22: Start capturing. Mode: Full motion. Method: 0. Capture Size: (1440, 900)\ 2023-02-20 23:27:22: Video Codec: h264_videotoolbox. Expecting FPS: 60.00\ 2023-02-20 23:27:22: Video will be recorded to: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/.ActivePresenterCachedProjects/Untitled4_tempdir/video_20230220_23-27-22.mkv\ 2023-02-20 23:27:23: RLMedia: Color range not set for yuv420p. Using MPEG range.\ 2023-02-20 23:27:23: RLMedia: \ 2023-02-20 23:27:23: RLMedia: Using AVStream.codec to pass codec parameters to muxers is deprecated, use AVStream.codecpar instead.\ 2023-02-20 23:27:23: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-20 23:27:23: RLMedia: Using AVStream.codec to pass codec parameters to muxers is deprecated, use AVStream.codecpar instead.\ 2023-02-20 23:27:23: Audio will be recorded to: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/.ActivePresenterCachedProjects/Untitled4_tempdir/audio_20230220_23-27-23.wav\ 2023-02-20 23:27:23: Preparing to record audio from: Ariyan\'82\'c4\'f4s AirPo. Channel: 1. Sample rate: 24000. Sample Format: 8\ 2023-02-20 23:27:24: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-20 23:27:24: RLMedia: Using AVStream.codec to pass codec parameters to muxers is deprecated, use AVStream.codecpar instead.\ 2023-02-20 23:27:24: Preparing to record audio from: Background Music. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Sample Format: 8\ 2023-02-20 23:27:24: Audio 2 will be recorded to: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/.ActivePresenterCachedProjects/Untitled4_tempdir/audio_20230220_23-27-23_1.wav\ \ ================================\ 2023-02-20 23:27:50: ActivePresenter 8.5.8 - 64-bit build. (Release Build: 2022.07.28) started\ OS: macOS Version 13.1 (Build 22C65)\ CPU Count: 8\ Hostname: Ariyans-MacBook-Air. Memory: 4,962 MB. Available: 1,482 MB. Memory Load: 70%\ Disk Space: 233,752 MB (Free: 13,145 MB)\ Project Location: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/\ 2023-02-20 23:27:50: TempDir: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp\ 2023-02-20 23:28:04: ActivePresenter 8.5.8 (Release Build: 2022.07.28) shut down\ \ \ ================================\ 2023-02-20 23:35:02: ActivePresenter 9.0.6 - 64-bit build. (Release Build: 2023.01.18) started\ OS: macOS Version 13.1 (Build 22C65)\ CPU Count: 8\ Hostname: Ariyans-MacBook-Air. Memory: 7,051 MB. Available: 3,206 MB. Memory Load: 54%\ Disk Space: 233,752 MB (Free: 20,320 MB)\ Project Location: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/\ 2023-02-20 23:35:02: TempDir: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp\ 2023-02-20 23:35:04: ---------------------LISTING AUDIO DEVICES------------------------\ 2023-02-20 23:35:04: Background Music (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 8000, Loopback: true, Default Output: false, ID: 50)\ 2023-02-20 23:35:04: Background Music (UI Sounds) (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 8000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 56)\ 2023-02-20 23:35:04: MacBook Air Microphone (API: Core Audio, Input: 3, Output: 0, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 94)\ 2023-02-20 23:35:04: MacBook Air Speakers (API: Core Audio, Input: 0, Output: 2, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 87)\ 2023-02-20 23:35:04: Ariyan\'92s AirPods (API: Core Audio, Input: 1, Output: 0, Rate: 24000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 105)\ 2023-02-20 23:35:04: Ariyan\'92s AirPods (API: Core Audio, Input: 0, Output: 1, Rate: 24000, Loopback: false, Default Output: true, ID: 99)\ 2023-02-20 23:35:04: ZoomAudioDevice (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 61)\ 2023-02-20 23:35:04: --------------------------------------------------------------\ 2023-02-20 23:35:11: PrepareRibbonBar: 1080ms\ 2023-02-20 23:35:35: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: 105, File: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp/rl_20230220_233535_spex77hcc2.wav, Params: codec: 0, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 90\ 2023-02-20 23:35:35: Probing to record audio from: Ariyan\'92s AirPods. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1\ 2023-02-20 23:35:35: Failed to open audio stream. Error: Invalid number of channels.\ 2023-02-20 23:35:35: Probing to record audio from: Ariyan\'92s AirPods. Channel: 1. Sample rate: 24000. Pa Sample Format: 8\ 2023-02-20 23:35:35: Open audio device successes!\ 2023-02-20 23:35:35: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-20 23:36:25: Start capturing. Mode: Full motion. Capture Size: (1440, 900)\ 2023-02-20 23:36:25: MKScreenRecorder::Open: Engine:1, File: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/.ActivePresenterCachedProjects/Untitled5_tempdir/video_20230220_23-36-25.mp4, Params: codec: 10001, format: NV12, width: 2880, height: 1800, color_range: 8, rate: 60.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 100\ 2023-02-20 23:36:25: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: 105, File: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/.ActivePresenterCachedProjects/Untitled5_tempdir/audio_1_20230220_23-36-25.wav, Params: codec: 0, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 0\ 2023-02-20 23:36:25: Probing to record audio from: Ariyan\'92s AirPods. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1\ 2023-02-20 23:36:25: Failed to open audio stream. Error: Invalid number of channels.\ 2023-02-20 23:36:25: Probing to record audio from: Ariyan\'92s AirPods. Channel: 1. Sample rate: 24000. Pa Sample Format: 8\ 2023-02-20 23:36:25: Open audio device successes!\ 2023-02-20 23:36:25: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-20 23:36:25: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: 50, File: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/.ActivePresenterCachedProjects/Untitled5_tempdir/audio_2_20230220_23-36-25.wav, Params: codec: 0, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 0\ 2023-02-20 23:36:25: Probing to record audio from: Background Music. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1\ 2023-02-20 23:36:25: Open audio device successes!\ 2023-02-20 23:36:25: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-20 23:37:40: MKScreenCaptureCOCOAImpl:StopCapture Frame: 621, Drop: 1754, Encoded FPS 9.087738, Captured FPS 9.102396, Time: 68.223797s\ 2023-02-20 23:37:40: Recorded video data size: 18.3 MB\ 2023-02-20 23:37:40: ProcessRecordedAudio: duration (ms) 68698\ 2023-02-20 23:37:40: ProcessRecordedAudio: duration (ms) 68700\ 2023-02-20 23:37:42: RLMedia: No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to argb.\ 2023-02-20 23:37:43: RLMedia: No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to argb.\ 2023-02-20 23:37:58: ActivePresenter 9.0.6 (Release Build: 2023.01.18) shut down\ \ \ ================================\ 2023-02-20 23:38:08: ActivePresenter 9.0.6 - 64-bit build. (Release Build: 2023.01.18) started\ OS: macOS Version 13.1 (Build 22C65)\ CPU Count: 8\ Hostname: Ariyans-MacBook-Air. Memory: 6,869 MB. Available: 3,203 MB. Memory Load: 53%\ Disk Space: 233,752 MB (Free: 20,278 MB)\ Project Location: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/\ 2023-02-20 23:38:08: TempDir: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp\ 2023-02-20 23:38:10: ---------------------LISTING AUDIO DEVICES------------------------\ 2023-02-20 23:38:10: Background Music (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 8000, Loopback: true, Default Output: false, ID: 50)\ 2023-02-20 23:38:10: Background Music (UI Sounds) (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 8000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 56)\ 2023-02-20 23:38:10: MacBook Air Microphone (API: Core Audio, Input: 3, Output: 0, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 94)\ 2023-02-20 23:38:10: MacBook Air Speakers (API: Core Audio, Input: 0, Output: 2, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 87)\ 2023-02-20 23:38:10: Ariyan\'92s AirPods (API: Core Audio, Input: 1, Output: 0, Rate: 24000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 105)\ 2023-02-20 23:38:10: Ariyan\'92s AirPods (API: Core Audio, Input: 0, Output: 1, Rate: 24000, Loopback: false, Default Output: true, ID: 99)\ 2023-02-20 23:38:10: ZoomAudioDevice (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 61)\ 2023-02-20 23:38:10: --------------------------------------------------------------\ 2023-02-20 23:38:16: PrepareRibbonBar: 987ms\ 2023-02-20 23:38:26: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: 105, File: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp/rl_20230220_233826_y7temfq65e.wav, Params: codec: 0, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 0\ 2023-02-20 23:38:26: Probing to record audio from: Ariyan\'92s AirPods. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1\ 2023-02-20 23:38:26: Failed to open audio stream. Error: Invalid number of channels.\ 2023-02-20 23:38:26: Probing to record audio from: Ariyan\'92s AirPods. Channel: 1. Sample rate: 24000. Pa Sample Format: 8\ 2023-02-20 23:38:26: Open audio device successes!\ 2023-02-20 23:38:26: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-20 23:38:32: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: 105, File: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp/rl_20230220_233832_uo3sn1mdko.wav, Params: codec: 0, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 0\ 2023-02-20 23:38:32: Probing to record audio from: Ariyan\'92s AirPods. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1\ 2023-02-20 23:38:32: Failed to open audio stream. Error: Invalid number of channels.\ 2023-02-20 23:38:32: Probing to record audio from: Ariyan\'92s AirPods. Channel: 1. Sample rate: 24000. Pa Sample Format: 8\ 2023-02-20 23:38:32: Open audio device successes!\ 2023-02-20 23:38:32: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-20 23:38:45: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: 50, File: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp/rl_20230220_233845_sutx4lbr23.wav, Params: codec: 0, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 0\ 2023-02-20 23:38:45: Probing to record audio from: Background Music. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1\ 2023-02-20 23:38:45: Open audio device successes!\ 2023-02-20 23:38:45: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-20 23:38:50: Start capturing. Mode: Full motion. Capture Size: (1440, 900)\ 2023-02-20 23:38:50: MKScreenRecorder::Open: Engine:1, File: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/.ActivePresenterCachedProjects/Untitled5_tempdir/video_20230220_23-38-50.mp4, Params: codec: 10001, format: NV12, width: 2880, height: 1800, color_range: 8, rate: 60.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 100\ 2023-02-20 23:38:50: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: 50, File: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/.ActivePresenterCachedProjects/Untitled5_tempdir/audio_2_20230220_23-38-50.wav, Params: codec: 0, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 0\ 2023-02-20 23:38:50: Probing to record audio from: Background Music. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1\ 2023-02-20 23:38:50: Open audio device successes!\ 2023-02-20 23:38:50: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-20 23:39:23: MKScreenCaptureCOCOAImpl:StopCapture Frame: 198, Drop: 677, Encoded FPS 6.824948, Captured FPS 6.859592, Time: 28.864690s\ 2023-02-20 23:39:23: Recorded video data size: 7.2 MB\ 2023-02-20 23:39:23: ProcessRecordedAudio: duration (ms) 29570\ 2023-02-20 23:39:23: Audio default device changed: Background Music.\ 2023-02-20 23:39:23: Webcam default device changed: Background Music.\ 2023-02-20 23:39:23: Audio default device changed: Background Music.\ 2023-02-20 23:39:23: Webcam default device changed: Background Music.\ 2023-02-20 23:39:31: RLMedia: No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to argb.\ 2023-02-20 23:39:31: RLMedia: No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to argb.\ 2023-02-20 23:39:34: Audio default device changed: MacBook Air Speakers.\ 2023-02-20 23:39:34: Webcam default device changed: MacBook Air Speakers.\ 2023-02-20 23:39:35: Audio default device changed: Ariyan\'92s AirPods.\ 2023-02-20 23:39:35: Webcam default device changed: Ariyan\'92s AirPods.\ 2023-02-20 23:40:10: ActivePresenter 9.0.6 (Release Build: 2023.01.18) shut down\ \ \ ================================\ 2023-02-20 23:41:39: ActivePresenter 9.0.6 - 64-bit build. (Release Build: 2023.01.18) started\ OS: macOS Version 13.1 (Build 22C65)\ CPU Count: 8\ Hostname: Ariyans-MacBook-Air. Memory: 6,852 MB. Available: 2,861 MB. Memory Load: 58%\ Disk Space: 233,752 MB (Free: 20,142 MB)\ Project Location: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/\ 2023-02-20 23:41:39: TempDir: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp\ 2023-02-20 23:41:40: ---------------------LISTING AUDIO DEVICES------------------------\ 2023-02-20 23:41:40: Background Music (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 8000, Loopback: true, Default Output: true, ID: 50)\ 2023-02-20 23:41:40: Background Music (UI Sounds) (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 8000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 56)\ 2023-02-20 23:41:40: MacBook Air Microphone (API: Core Audio, Input: 3, Output: 0, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 94)\ 2023-02-20 23:41:40: MacBook Air Speakers (API: Core Audio, Input: 0, Output: 2, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 87)\ 2023-02-20 23:41:40: ZoomAudioDevice (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 61)\ 2023-02-20 23:41:40: --------------------------------------------------------------\ \ ================================\ 2023-02-20 23:41:53: ActivePresenter 9.0.6 - 64-bit build. (Release Build: 2023.01.18) started\ OS: macOS Version 13.1 (Build 22C65)\ CPU Count: 8\ Hostname: Ariyans-MacBook-Air. Memory: 6,859 MB. Available: 2,807 MB. Memory Load: 59%\ Disk Space: 233,752 MB (Free: 20,058 MB)\ Project Location: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/\ 2023-02-20 23:41:53: TempDir: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp\ 2023-02-20 23:41:55: ---------------------LISTING AUDIO DEVICES------------------------\ 2023-02-20 23:41:55: Background Music (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 8000, Loopback: true, Default Output: true, ID: 50)\ 2023-02-20 23:41:55: Background Music (UI Sounds) (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 8000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 56)\ 2023-02-20 23:41:55: MacBook Air Microphone (API: Core Audio, Input: 3, Output: 0, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 94)\ 2023-02-20 23:41:55: MacBook Air Speakers (API: Core Audio, Input: 0, Output: 2, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 87)\ 2023-02-20 23:41:55: ZoomAudioDevice (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 61)\ 2023-02-20 23:41:55: --------------------------------------------------------------\ 2023-02-20 23:42:01: PrepareRibbonBar: 771ms\ 2023-02-20 23:42:11: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: 50, File: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp/rl_20230220_234211_pmcjs1xx5t.wav, Params: codec: 0, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 0\ 2023-02-20 23:42:11: Probing to record audio from: Background Music. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1\ 2023-02-20 23:42:11: Open audio device successes!\ 2023-02-20 23:42:11: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-20 23:42:26: Start capturing. Mode: Full motion. Capture Size: (1440, 900)\ 2023-02-20 23:42:26: MKScreenRecorder::Open: Engine:1, File: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/.ActivePresenterCachedProjects/Untitled5_tempdir/video_20230220_23-42-26.mp4, Params: codec: 10001, format: NV12, width: 2880, height: 1800, color_range: 8, rate: 60.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 100\ 2023-02-20 23:42:26: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: 50, File: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/.ActivePresenterCachedProjects/Untitled5_tempdir/audio_2_20230220_23-42-26.wav, Params: codec: 0, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 0\ 2023-02-20 23:42:26: Probing to record audio from: Background Music. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1\ 2023-02-20 23:42:26: Open audio device successes!\ 2023-02-20 23:42:26: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-20 23:43:00: MKScreenCaptureCOCOAImpl:StopCapture Frame: 401, Drop: 811, Encoded FPS 13.100392, Captured FPS 13.133143, Time: 30.533438s\ 2023-02-20 23:43:00: Recorded video data size: 11.3 MB\ 2023-02-20 23:43:00: ProcessRecordedAudio: duration (ms) 31140\ 2023-02-20 23:43:02: RLMedia: No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to argb.\ 2023-02-20 23:43:02: RLMedia: No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to argb.\ 2023-02-20 23:43:10: Render Project Size: 1440 x 900\ 2023-02-20 23:43:10: Threads Used: 1 / 8, Memory Available: 2,648/6,748\ 2023-02-20 23:43:10: Probing to play audio from: Background Music. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 8\ 2023-02-20 23:43:10: Open audio device successes!\ 2023-02-20 23:43:26: Audio default device changed: MacBook Air Speakers.\ 2023-02-20 23:43:26: Webcam default device changed: MacBook Air Speakers.\ 2023-02-20 23:43:31: Render Project Size: 1440 x 900\ 2023-02-20 23:43:31: Threads Used: 1 / 8, Memory Available: 2,594/6,620\ 2023-02-20 23:43:31: Probing to play audio from: MacBook Air Speakers. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 8\ 2023-02-20 23:43:31: Open audio device successes!\ 2023-02-20 23:43:46: ActivePresenter 9.0.6 (Release Build: 2023.01.18) shut down\ \ \ ================================\ 2023-02-21 12:42:14: ActivePresenter 9.0.6 - 64-bit build. (Release Build: 2023.01.18) started\ OS: macOS Version 13.2.1 (Build 22D68)\ CPU Count: 8\ Hostname: Ariyans-MacBook-Air. Memory: 4,675 MB. Available: 1,796 MB. Memory Load: 61%\ Disk Space: 233,752 MB (Free: 19,221 MB)\ Project Location: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/\ 2023-02-21 12:42:14: TempDir: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp\ 2023-02-21 12:42:15: ---------------------LISTING AUDIO DEVICES------------------------\ 2023-02-21 12:42:15: Background Music (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 8000, Loopback: true, Default Output: true, ID: 88)\ 2023-02-21 12:42:15: Background Music (UI Sounds) (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 8000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 94)\ 2023-02-21 12:42:15: MacBook Air Microphone (API: Core Audio, Input: 3, Output: 0, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 76)\ 2023-02-21 12:42:15: MacBook Air Speakers (API: Core Audio, Input: 0, Output: 2, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 69)\ 2023-02-21 12:42:15: ZoomAudioDevice (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 81)\ 2023-02-21 12:42:15: --------------------------------------------------------------\ 2023-02-21 12:42:23: PrepareRibbonBar: 972ms\ 2023-02-21 12:43:00: Audio device removed: BuiltInMicrophoneDevice.\ 2023-02-21 12:43:00: Audio device removed: zoom.us.zoomaudiodevice.001.\ 2023-02-21 12:43:01: Audio device removed: BGMDevice.\ 2023-02-21 12:43:01: Audio device removed: BGMDevice_UISounds.\ 2023-02-21 12:43:01: Audio device added: BGMDevice.\ 2023-02-21 12:43:01: Audio device added: BGMDevice_UISounds.\ 2023-02-21 12:43:01: Audio device added: BuiltInMicrophoneDevice.\ 2023-02-21 12:43:01: Audio device added: zoom.us.zoomaudiodevice.001.\ 2023-02-21 12:43:01: Audio default device changed: Background Music.\ 2023-02-21 12:43:01: Webcam default device changed: Background Music.\ 2023-02-21 12:43:32: Audio device removed: BGMDevice.\ 2023-02-21 12:43:33: Audio device removed: BGMDevice_UISounds.\ 2023-02-21 12:43:33: Audio device removed: zoom.us.zoomaudiodevice.001.\ 2023-02-21 12:43:33: Audio device removed: BuiltInMicrophoneDevice.\ 2023-02-21 12:43:33: Audio device added: BGMDevice.\ 2023-02-21 12:43:33: Audio device added: BGMDevice_UISounds.\ 2023-02-21 12:43:33: Audio device added: BuiltInMicrophoneDevice.\ 2023-02-21 12:43:33: Audio device added: zoom.us.zoomaudiodevice.001.\ 2023-02-21 12:43:33: Audio default device changed: Background Music.\ 2023-02-21 12:43:33: Webcam default device changed: Background Music.\ 2023-02-21 12:48:15: MKAudioDeviceManager -> GetDeviceInfo: Invalid index\ 2023-02-21 12:48:15: MKAudioDeviceManager -> IsInput: null device info\ 2023-02-21 12:48:16: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: 191, File: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp/rl_20230221_124816_smjo7grol9.wav, Params: codec: 0, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 0\ 2023-02-21 12:48:16: Probing to record audio from: Background Music. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1\ 2023-02-21 12:48:16: Open audio device successes!\ 2023-02-21 12:48:16: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-21 12:49:06: MKAudioDeviceManager -> GetDeviceInfo: Invalid index\ 2023-02-21 12:49:06: MKAudioDeviceManager -> IsInput: null device info\ 2023-02-21 12:49:06: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: 191, File: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp/rl_20230221_124906_525asge5uo.wav, Params: codec: 0, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 0\ 2023-02-21 12:49:06: Probing to record audio from: Background Music. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1\ 2023-02-21 12:49:06: Open audio device successes!\ 2023-02-21 12:49:06: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-21 12:49:23: Start capturing. Mode: Full motion. Capture Size: (1440, 900)\ 2023-02-21 12:49:23: MKScreenRecorder::Open: Engine:1, File: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/.ActivePresenterCachedProjects/Untitled_tempdir/video_20230221_12-49-23.mp4, Params: codec: 10001, format: NV12, width: 2880, height: 1800, color_range: 8, rate: 60.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 100\ 2023-02-21 12:49:23: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: 191, File: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/.ActivePresenterCachedProjects/Untitled_tempdir/audio_2_20230221_12-49-23.wav, Params: codec: 0, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 0\ 2023-02-21 12:49:23: Probing to record audio from: Background Music. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1\ 2023-02-21 12:49:23: Open audio device successes!\ 2023-02-21 12:49:23: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-21 12:49:38: Audio device removed: zoom.us.zoomaudiodevice.001.\ 2023-02-21 12:49:39: MKScreenCaptureCOCOAImpl:StopCapture Frame: 91, Drop: 317, Encoded FPS 7.486240, Captured FPS 7.569420, Time: 12.022057s\ 2023-02-21 12:49:39: Recorded video data size: 1.2 MB\ 2023-02-21 12:49:39: ProcessRecordedAudio: duration (ms) 12800\ 2023-02-21 12:49:41: Audio device added: zoom.us.zoomaudiodevice.001.\ 2023-02-21 12:49:50: RLMedia: No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to argb.\ 2023-02-21 12:49:50: RLMedia: No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to argb.\ 2023-02-21 12:50:41: ActivePresenter 9.0.6 (Release Build: 2023.01.18) shut down\ \ \ ================================\ 2023-02-21 12:50:47: ActivePresenter 9.0.6 - 64-bit build. (Release Build: 2023.01.18) started\ OS: macOS Version 13.2.1 (Build 22D68)\ CPU Count: 8\ Hostname: Ariyans-MacBook-Air. Memory: 5,087 MB. Available: 1,717 MB. Memory Load: 66%\ Disk Space: 233,752 MB (Free: 18,740 MB)\ Project Location: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/\ 2023-02-21 12:50:48: TempDir: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp\ 2023-02-21 12:50:49: ---------------------LISTING AUDIO DEVICES------------------------\ 2023-02-21 12:50:49: Background Music (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 8000, Loopback: true, Default Output: true, ID: 50)\ 2023-02-21 12:50:49: Background Music (UI Sounds) (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 8000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 56)\ 2023-02-21 12:50:49: MacBook Air Microphone (API: Core Audio, Input: 3, Output: 0, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 87)\ 2023-02-21 12:50:49: MacBook Air Speakers (API: Core Audio, Input: 0, Output: 2, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 80)\ 2023-02-21 12:50:49: ZoomAudioDevice (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 92)\ 2023-02-21 12:50:49: --------------------------------------------------------------\ 2023-02-21 12:50:56: PrepareRibbonBar: 1052ms\ 2023-02-21 12:51:17: MKAudioDeviceManager -> GetDeviceInfo: Invalid index\ 2023-02-21 12:51:17: MKAudioDeviceManager -> IsInput: null device info\ 2023-02-21 12:51:17: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: 50, File: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp/rl_20230221_125117_e757p18p4o.wav, Params: codec: 0, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 0\ 2023-02-21 12:51:17: Probing to record audio from: Background Music. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1\ 2023-02-21 12:51:17: Open audio device successes!\ 2023-02-21 12:51:17: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-21 12:51:22: Start capturing. Mode: Full motion. Capture Size: (1440, 900)\ 2023-02-21 12:51:22: MKScreenRecorder::Open: Engine:1, File: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/.ActivePresenterCachedProjects/Untitled_tempdir/video_20230221_12-51-22.mp4, Params: codec: 10001, format: NV12, width: 2880, height: 1800, color_range: 8, rate: 60.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 100\ 2023-02-21 12:51:22: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: 50, File: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/.ActivePresenterCachedProjects/Untitled_tempdir/audio_2_20230221_12-51-22.wav, Params: codec: 0, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 0\ 2023-02-21 12:51:22: Probing to record audio from: Background Music. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1\ 2023-02-21 12:51:22: Open audio device successes!\ 2023-02-21 12:51:22: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-21 12:51:38: MKScreenCaptureCOCOAImpl:StopCapture Frame: 209, Drop: 382, Encoded FPS 16.680768, Captured FPS 16.760964, Time: 12.469450s\ 2023-02-21 12:51:38: Recorded video data size: 1.8 MB\ 2023-02-21 12:51:38: ProcessRecordedAudio: duration (ms) 13080\ 2023-02-21 12:51:40: RLMedia: No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to argb.\ 2023-02-21 12:51:40: RLMedia: No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to argb.\ 2023-02-21 12:51:44: ActivePresenter 9.0.6 (Release Build: 2023.01.18) shut down\ \ \ ================================\ 2023-02-21 12:51:48: ActivePresenter 9.0.6 - 64-bit build. (Release Build: 2023.01.18) started\ OS: macOS Version 13.2.1 (Build 22D68)\ CPU Count: 8\ Hostname: Ariyans-MacBook-Air. Memory: 4,935 MB. Available: 2,078 MB. Memory Load: 57%\ Disk Space: 233,752 MB (Free: 18,707 MB)\ Project Location: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/\ 2023-02-21 12:51:48: TempDir: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp\ 2023-02-21 12:51:50: ---------------------LISTING AUDIO DEVICES------------------------\ 2023-02-21 12:51:50: Background Music (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 8000, Loopback: true, Default Output: true, ID: 50)\ 2023-02-21 12:51:50: Background Music (UI Sounds) (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 8000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 56)\ 2023-02-21 12:51:50: MacBook Air Microphone (API: Core Audio, Input: 3, Output: 0, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 87)\ 2023-02-21 12:51:50: MacBook Air Speakers (API: Core Audio, Input: 0, Output: 2, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 80)\ 2023-02-21 12:51:50: ZoomAudioDevice (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 92)\ 2023-02-21 12:51:50: --------------------------------------------------------------\ 2023-02-21 12:51:56: PrepareRibbonBar: 611ms\ 2023-02-21 12:52:26: Audio device removed: zoom.us.zoomaudiodevice.001.\ 2023-02-21 12:52:26: Audio device added: zoom.us.zoomaudiodevice.001.\ 2023-02-21 12:52:37: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: 50, File: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp/rl_20230221_125237_2n7rhi6ets.wav, Params: codec: 0, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 0\ 2023-02-21 12:52:37: Probing to record audio from: Background Music. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1\ 2023-02-21 12:52:37: Open audio device successes!\ 2023-02-21 12:52:37: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-21 12:52:48: Audio device removed: zoom.us.zoomaudiodevice.001.\ 2023-02-21 12:52:49: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: 50, File: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp/rl_20230221_125249_1b2axeanuj.wav, Params: codec: 0, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 0\ 2023-02-21 12:52:49: Probing to record audio from: Background Music. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1\ 2023-02-21 12:52:49: Open audio device successes!\ 2023-02-21 12:52:49: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-21 12:52:49: Audio device added: zoom.us.zoomaudiodevice.001.\ 2023-02-21 12:52:49: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: 50, File: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp/rl_20230221_125249_8688y9ur01.wav, Params: codec: 0, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 0\ 2023-02-21 12:52:49: Probing to record audio from: Background Music. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1\ 2023-02-21 12:52:49: Open audio device successes!\ 2023-02-21 12:52:49: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-21 12:54:06: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: 50, File: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp/rl_20230221_125406_11c726lhzg.wav, Params: codec: 0, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 0\ 2023-02-21 12:54:06: Probing to record audio from: Background Music. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1\ 2023-02-21 12:54:06: Open audio device successes!\ 2023-02-21 12:54:06: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-21 12:54:14: Start capturing. Mode: Full motion. Capture Size: (1440, 900)\ 2023-02-21 12:54:14: MKScreenRecorder::Open: Engine:1, File: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/.ActivePresenterCachedProjects/Untitled_tempdir/video_20230221_12-54-14.mp4, Params: codec: 10001, format: NV12, width: 2880, height: 1800, color_range: 8, rate: 60.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 100\ 2023-02-21 12:54:15: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: 50, File: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/.ActivePresenterCachedProjects/Untitled_tempdir/audio_2_20230221_12-54-15.wav, Params: codec: 0, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 0\ 2023-02-21 12:54:15: Probing to record audio from: Background Music. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1\ 2023-02-21 12:54:15: Open audio device successes!\ 2023-02-21 12:54:15: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-21 12:54:48: MKScreenCaptureCOCOAImpl:StopCapture Frame: 160, Drop: 602, Encoded FPS 5.382424, Captured FPS 5.416276, Time: 29.540593s\ 2023-02-21 12:54:48: Recorded video data size: 12.5 MB\ 2023-02-21 12:54:48: ProcessRecordedAudio: duration (ms) 30080\ 2023-02-21 12:54:50: RLMedia: No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to argb.\ 2023-02-21 12:54:51: RLMedia: No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to argb.\ 2023-02-21 12:55:22: ActivePresenter 9.0.6 (Release Build: 2023.01.18) shut down\ \ \ ================================\ 2023-02-21 12:58:27: ActivePresenter 9.0.6 - 64-bit build. (Release Build: 2023.01.18) started\ OS: macOS Version 13.2.1 (Build 22D68)\ CPU Count: 8\ Hostname: Ariyans-MacBook-Air. Memory: 4,898 MB. Available: 1,622 MB. Memory Load: 66%\ Disk Space: 233,752 MB (Free: 18,889 MB)\ Project Location: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/\ 2023-02-21 12:58:27: TempDir: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp\ 2023-02-21 12:58:29: ---------------------LISTING AUDIO DEVICES------------------------\ 2023-02-21 12:58:29: Background Music (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 8000, Loopback: true, Default Output: true, ID: 50)\ 2023-02-21 12:58:29: Background Music (UI Sounds) (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 8000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 56)\ 2023-02-21 12:58:29: MacBook Air Microphone (API: Core Audio, Input: 3, Output: 0, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 87)\ 2023-02-21 12:58:29: MacBook Air Speakers (API: Core Audio, Input: 0, Output: 2, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 80)\ 2023-02-21 12:58:29: ZoomAudioDevice (API: Core Audio, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: 92)\ 2023-02-21 12:58:29: --------------------------------------------------------------\ 2023-02-21 12:58:36: PrepareRibbonBar: 1251ms\ 2023-02-21 12:58:46: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: 50, File: /Users/ariyandey/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter/temp/rl_20230221_125846_nrrcf95jp0.wav, Params: codec: 0, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 0\ 2023-02-21 12:58:46: Probing to record audio from: Background Music. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1\ 2023-02-21 12:58:46: Open audio device successes!\ 2023-02-21 12:58:46: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-21 12:58:50: Start capturing. Mode: Full motion. Capture Size: (1440, 900)\ 2023-02-21 12:58:51: MKScreenRecorder::Open: Engine:1, File: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/.ActivePresenterCachedProjects/Untitled_tempdir/video_20230221_12-58-51.mp4, Params: codec: 10001, format: NV12, width: 2880, height: 1800, color_range: 8, rate: 60.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 100\ 2023-02-21 12:58:51: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: 50, File: /Users/ariyandey/Documents/ActivePresenter/.ActivePresenterCachedProjects/Untitled_tempdir/audio_2_20230221_12-58-51.wav, Params: codec: 0, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 0\ 2023-02-21 12:58:51: Probing to record audio from: Background Music. Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1\ 2023-02-21 12:58:51: Open audio device successes!\ 2023-02-21 12:58:51: flt sample format is not supported, s16 will be used\ 2023-02-21 13:00:52: MKScreenCaptureCOCOAImpl:StopCapture Frame: 1252, Drop: 3297, Encoded FPS 10.640603, Captured FPS 10.649108, Time: 117.568527s\ 2023-02-21 13:00:52: Recorded video data size: 94.1 MB\ 2023-02-21 13:00:53: ProcessRecordedAudio: duration (ms) 118340\ 2023-02-21 13:00:55: RLMedia: No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to argb.\ 2023-02-21 13:00:56: RLMedia: No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to argb.\ }