Where is "TEXT" stored?

When using the text object on a scene and placing and filling it with multiple paragraphs of text, where exactly is that text stored, what specific file is it stored in, thanks.

Hi Locky,

Text is stored in the project file project_file_name.saola, and in the data file project_file_name.js when exporting to HTML5. However, you should not touch these files.
If you want to update text, please edit it in the editor and export again.


Hi ToanLS,

Thanks, I was just curious were it is stored.
I think I once asked you how Google would be able to crawl the text and I think you said that when the page is served, the text is produced dynamically using java and Google has the ability to read the java.

Hi Locky,

Yes, texts are produced dynamically and Google crawlers can read them. But Google crawlers may not always read and index them.


Hi Toan,

Can you tell where is it stored in case of ActivePresenter? Want to use a variable which will take the text from source (another slide) to current slide.

Hi Shri,

In case of ActivePresenter, a variable is only suitable for a short text without formating.
For long text with formatting, you should add a custom layout in Slide Master View, and use this layout for multiple slides. Once you want to change your text, you can update the layout, all slides that use this layout will be updated as well.
You can see this tutorial for adding a custom layout:


Fine, thanks. But I have too many slides and too many text captions to be covered under this facility.

Is there any way, I can supply content from single external file (MSWord or similar)? Formatting can be used as of MSWord or so? This will help maintain source content in one place only.

Hi Shri,

I’m afraid there’s no better way than using a custom layout.
