Use navigation controls for webobject

Hey there, I just wanted to know, whether it is possible to control for example a HTML5 object containing a video with ActivePresenter navigation inside the toolbar.
For example I have a web object containing a video and I want to mute it with the controls of AP, is that possible?

ActivePresenter version:
Version 8.5.4 - 64-bit build. (Released: 2021.11.18)
Windows 10

Kind reagards

Hi sariwest,

It is possible if:

  • The embedded content in the web object exposes a JavaScript API to mute it.
  • The embedded content and the main HTML5 content have the same domain (Or in general, the server where the embedded content is hosted allows scripts from the main content to control it).

If above conditions are met, you can see the following thread for controlling the embedding content: Data from Web Widget - #2 by ToanLS
