The bottom bar of player

How can I add my own button to the bottom bar of the player?
I would like to attach to it a function that can operate on a selected variable defined in the slideshow. How can I programm it? (Something like CC button. The user could switch it whether he wants to watch a slide with or without a sign language interpreter).

ActivePresenter Version: AP 8 PRO


Hi Aga,

You need to modify the layout of player. This requires some experience in JavaScript and HTML. You can take a look at the file at C:\Program Files\ATOMI\ActivePresenter\templates\html5\skin\Modern\player\layouts\bottombar.html. You just need to add a line such as:

<div class="ap-button ap-tool-mycustomtool" data-priority=16 >My Button</div>

Then goto ActivePresenter > Project > Properties > Event to add the script like:

$('.ap-tool-mycustomtool').bind('click', function(e) {
    //write your code here


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thank you. It looks easy, so I try to program it :slight_smile:
