Slide Master Bug

Buttons inside the slide master are clickable when the layout is applied to a slide.
However, an image object with click actions is not clickable when the layout is applied to a slide.
This is a very limiting bug.

ActivePresenter Version: Required. 8

OS: Required. Win 10



I’m not sure that I understand your problem correctly. Can you please provide a screenshot of the issue and explain your problem in more details so we can check?


After more testing i’ve realised the source of the issue.
When copying objects into a slide master, they loose their actions.
I mistakenly thought the issue was that buttons did not work at all.

I can manually re-create the actions as a workaround. However, the bug is now:

“Actions are not preserved on objects when copying & pasting into slide master”
Should i create this as a new topic?

Also, it isn’t possible to copy and paste actions into slide master.


This is not a bug. The actions which do not depend on objects in a slide (e.g: Presentation action, Slide action, …) will be kept after copying/pasting objects from slide to slide master.
The other actions will be removed because in slide master, there is no object for that action to focus on.


When copying objects between slides it preserves these objects by creating duplicate objects and referencing them. Why cant this behaviour be consistent when copying into a slide master?


Thanks for your information. We will check and try to fix it in future releases.
