Showing Objects Over Multiple Slides

Problem: I want to handle javascript errors by displaying a shape with an error message and an ‘OK’ button. To do this I want to use the same group object over all slides, however it creates what appears to be conflicts in object names (I have an object called “Shape_1” but the shape in the group object is also named “Shape_1”.
I want to know what names to use in javascript for objects shown over multiple slides and also what is the scope of these names, can I write my error handling code in project load or so I have to copy and paste the code into slide load for each slide.

ActivePresenter version: 9.15

OS: Windows 11


Good morning @scottjones05,

You just need to rename the object shown over multiple slides. Set a different name for it, for example, objectMultipleSlide.
It is unnecessary to copy and paste the code in every slide, just place it in the project On Load event.

Hope that it is helpful.

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To change the object name, you can navigate to the Properties pane > Interactivity tab > General section > Name:


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