Review mode customization

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We want to see the right and wrong of the students clearly on the review screen in matching and drag-and-drop question types.


The following are our suggestions for enhancing drag-and-drop question responses in review mode:

  • Display correct checkmarks and cross marks instead of green and orange colors
  • Remove the correct drag source number. If the user hovers over a drop target, all correct drag sources will be highlighted. This option is only available if the “Correct Values” option is selected.
  • Add a button for each drop target that allows the user to show or hide the correct values. This button is necessary because hover functionality is not available on touch screens.

Please feel free to let us know if you have any ideas or requests.
Best regards,

Hi @hamdi_goktas

We would like to inform you about the latest updates and bug fixes that have been implemented in ActivePresenter 9.1.0, addressing the issues you have encountered.

To see the update, please go to the Help tab and select Check Updates.
