Preview and Export loads wrong slide

When I export or preview my two-page project to html to test it, slide 2 is the one that shows first. I can see in the table of contents both slides there and they are clearly labeled, as well as in the correct order. The problem is that slide 1 is never the first one to display. If this is a setting anyone know where it is?

update: I see the problem now is that Slide 1 timeline is only 0s, so it automatically jumps to Slide 2. Hoping that is the answer.

ActivePresenter Version 8

Mac OS Catalina 10.15.4

Looks like I still have the issue even if I select On Load > Pause timeline. What is the correct setting to pause or stop the timeline?

Screen Shot 2020-06-09 at 2.11.22 PM


To solve your problem, you can uncheck the Auto Advance check box in PROPERTIES - SLIDE of Slide 1. Please see the attached image.



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awesome, thanks @thunt