PowerPoint file text off centered when importing to ActivePresenter

As you can see, when the PowerPoint is imported into ActivePresenter, the background changes, as well as the text color and everything is off-centered. What would the solution to this issue be?


# Issue 1: The background changes after importing PPT
=> In PPT, the fill of the slide is texture fill. Thus, it will be removed after importing because ActivePresenter doesn’t support the feature. The workaround I can suggest you is that you can use solid fill, gradient fill, or picture fill for the background slide.

# Issue 2: The text color is changed
=> Text color isn’t changed. You can click the down arrow next to the text color button to see the used color.

# Issue 3: Everything is off-centered
=> This is a known issue when the imported file is using many slide masters and we are trying to fix it. We are sorry for this inconvenience.
