Javascript to scale up responsive

I’m really struggling with getting a responsive layout to work such that it uses 100% of the screen
Is there any way to just have two formats, one that gets served for wide aspect ratios, the other for narrow aspect ratios? ie. desktop/mobile


Please take a look at these tutorials to learn more about how to use Responsive Project.
Create Responsive Project:
Insert and manage objects in Responsive Project:

Should you have any questions, kindly let us know.


I understand the breakpoints, but i want some way to get 100% of screen realestate used for all resolutions?


Except the largest layout, the layout width always fits 100%. Meanwhile, the layout height is fixed depending on Layout Height or Custom Slide Height.
We will try to support to set 100% height in the next update version 8.5.



Hey @thunt,
we are struggeling with the same issue.

We want to create a layout that works on any desktop resolution as well as mobile in landscape format. On the desktop it should simply scale proportionally and for mobile we want to define an own layout. Will this be possible with the new version? When is it planned?

I tried to change all contains via jquery from fixed height / width to 100% and it looks quite well. Sadly not a solution for production.



Thanks for suggestion.
We are working on this feature and it will be available around August.


Hi Guy,

is it possible that you specify the release date for this feature?


Hi Jonas,

As I mentioned in my previous reply, this feature will be available around August. The exact date has not been specified, we’ll try to support it as soon as possible.


Hey Guys,

any news to the relase date of this feature?

Jonas :slight_smile:

Hi Jonas,

There has been a change in our plan so this feature will not be released soon.
We are sorry for this inconvenience.


This is quite a big limitation :worried: