How to post Flash simluation video on Social Media

I exported a tutorial with mouse click in Flash simluation… it works great on my website but is their a way to post the video to my group on social media? I tried other formats but the mouse click wouldn’t work


I guess you are using a very old version of ActivePresenter because exporting to Flash simulation has been deprecated in ActivePresenter 6 and 7.
Flash is a deprecated technology and HTML5 has successfully replaced it these days.
So you should go with HTML5 simulation instead.
You can upload HTML5 to your website and share the link to your group on social media.

Please share a sample if you think mouse click doesn’t work in HTML5 simulation.

Sorry it was HTML5, and the mouse click works, I wanted to share the movie itself not the link to my website, but when I upload the the mp4 from the resources folder it doesn’t have the mouse click option


The MP4 format (as well as almost video formats) doesn’t support interactivity (including mouse click) by nature. There is only a way to enable interactivity is sharing the link to html file in the HTML5 output. Depending on the export options, the html file can be demo.html, tutorial.html, practice.html, and test.html.
