How come symbols in Saola is the size of canvas?

1: Make a small button in Saola.
2: Right Click->Convert to Symbol.

3:Symbol is now the size of canvas.

But luckily when you assign click or mouse down to the symbol, it will only react when the small button is clicked and not the entire canvas (this is a very good thing fortunately.)

So why is the outline of the symbol the entire canvas then ?
Can I shrink it so that it fits the symbol.

Similar to when I adjust a group I can reset it by using Group->Layout group ?

Hi Bracer,

From version 2.0, when converting to a symbol, Saola Animate makes its bounding box fills the entire scene instead of fitting its content.
This behavior is suitable for designing responsive symbols but may not good for normal symbols.
We’ll provide an option for this in version 3.

If you don’t need a responsive symbol, you should convert an element to a symbol first, change the symbol element size from % to pixel, then double-click the symbol to add more elements and animations later.


Since the introduction of the “AutoFit” checkbox, Saola animate now have the look and feel and the capability to create awesome Flash sites like back then…I imagine a lot of people will be using Saola with that intention instead of the whole “responsive” thing, but this is just my own thinking I could be completely wrong.

If I want responsiveness I will code it myself using CSS Grid/FlexBox/even JQuery Mobile or Bootstrap.

But If I use Saola, it is to create AMAZING AWESOME Flash type sites !