Feedback Messages

Problem: Hello, is it possible to modify the correct / incorrect text of feedback messages in the simulation activity (I need to translate in italian language)? I tried searching for it in the interactions / messages section and in the view / slide master section, but I couldn’t find it. Thanks in advance.

ActivePresenter Version: 7.5.8

OS: Windows 10

Notes: //


Yes, you can edit the text of the feedback messages, then save them as a custom template (*.aptheme) before recording simulation. Below are steps to do that:

Step 1: Open a new blank project
Step 2: Insert and change the default settings of objects

For the text of the correct/incorrect messages: Insert a mouse click ( Interactions tab > Mouse Click), double-click to modify the text inside the correct/incorrect messages as you want. Then right-click the message on the canvas and choose Set as Default Correct/Incorrect Message.

For the text of the hint message (left click here): change text in the Auto Annotation Text tab of Preferences. (ActivePresenter green button > Preferences > Auto Annotation Text). For example, you change the “left click here” into Italian language in the value column.
Step 3: Save the current project as a theme in the location C:\Users<user_name>\Documents\ActivePresenter Templates (for Windows) or /Users/<user_name>/Documents/ActivePresenter Templates (for macOS).
Step 4: Use this custom theme for recording simulation. Go to Start Page > Templates > Custom > Right-click the custom theme, then choose Record Software Simulation .

For more information, please refer to our tutorial: Setting default objects when recording simulation.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.


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