Export de projet

Hello, how to give the project file to a few and also the videos in the project and its applied effects? THANKS.


I’m afraid I’m not clear on what you mean. Could you explain your question in more detail so that I can support you better.

In case you want to export your project/video with animation effects applied to video format, just access the Export tab > Export to Video.
If not, kindly provide me with further information.

Have a nice day,

Thank you, I want to give my project to a colleague. I give him the project file but then when I open it I am missing the resources, what should I do? THANKS.

Thanks for your clarification.
For your information, ActivePresenter stores a project’s large audio/video resources in an external data folder named PROJECT_FILE_files.
So. when copying, moving, renaming, or sharing the project file, please make sure to copy, move, rename or share its data folder (if any) accordingly.
Step-by-step instructions will be given in this video tutorial. Please watch it:

If you have any other questions, kindly let me know.

Hello, that’s exactly it, thank you very much.