Error with "preparing capturing slides" in the end of a screen record

Good evening. I was recording a video of my screen in the active presenter and when a click “ctrl+end” at the end of my record a window showed up saying “preparing capturing slides” and then nothing happend. The video never load and I did’nt have the ability to export it. Thankfully the audio is saved on the temporary files. I coppied them to another file and I install a newer version (active present 9 for windows 10). I restart the laptop and tried to open the 3 temporary files in the new version and it oppened. the video was just one second and then the audio was ok but with white background (without picture). What should I do to be able to save my project?


You can check out this similar thread to see if it helps resolve your issue: How to recover unsaved video recording in active presenter

If the problem persists, kindly attach your ActivePresenter log here or email us at so we can assist you further. To view the log, you click the ActivePresenter button > Preferences > Miscellaneous > View Log.
