Error de audio y video al iniciar


2020-07-08 20:22:53: ActivePresenter 8.0.7 - 64-bit build. (Release Build: 2020.05.29) started
OS: Windows 10 (build 19041), 64-bit edition
CPU Count: 2
Hostname: DESKTOP-56ASUOT. Memory: 3,936 MB. Available: 1,738 MB. Memory Load: 55%
Disk Space: 953,253 MB (Free: 413,091 MB)
Project Location: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\ActivePresenter
2020-07-08 20:22:53: TempDir: C:\Users\Usuario\AppData\Roaming\ActivePresenter\temp
2020-07-08 20:22:53: Direct3D rendering mode: hardware
2020-07-08 20:22:53: Direct3D device type: 1
2020-07-08 20:23:02: PortAudio Initialize: 1
2020-07-08 20:23:02: RLMedia_Initialize: 1
2020-07-08 20:23:02: Error: Failed to initialize multimedia library.
Audio/Video related features will not function properly!
2020-07-08 20:23:34: Checking updates for ActivePresenter v8.0.7…
2020-07-08 20:24:06: ActivePresenter 8.0.7 (Release Build: 2020.05.29) shut down

ActivePresenter version:




Please try following steps to see if they can help:

  • Uninstall audio driver.
  • Restart your computer.
  • Install the latest audio driver from the hardware manufacturer.
