Error al reproducir video

Cuando abro un vídeo que ya guarde me marca un error
2020-05-29 18:18:07: Resource file not found: C:\Users\Soporte\Documents\ActivePresenter\Original_files\10000_Video_001.mkv
2020-05-29 18:18:07: Resource file not found: C:\Users\Soporte\Documents\ActivePresenter\Original_files\10001_Audio_002.wav
2020-05-29 18:18:07: Resource file not found: C:\Users\Soporte\Documents\ActivePresenter\Original_files\10003_Audio_004.wav

y no me musetra nada como lo puedo recuperar


Please take note that ActivePresenter stores the audio and video files in an external data folder named PROJECT_FILE_files. Therefore, please make sure that you copy/move/rename this folder when copying/moving/renaming your project.

Besides, maybe you have deleted that folder so the error occurred. Or if you have move that audio/ video file to another location then please move it back to the location mentioned in the error message.
