Capture timing at the wrong moment

Problem: When recording a screen making a Microsoft Word tutorial, the capture of the slide is at the time of the click. The problem is the Microsoft’s instant preview, where the screen changes (e.g. color) already on hover. So when we tech for example about table cell color change, and user has to click the color button, the capture screen and the selected object (e.g. table cell) already is colored, since the hover over the color button already causes the color change (before the click itself). How can we solve this problem?

What we do to solve this at the moment: We copy a previous slide (without the colored cells), remove all the objects, copy all the objects from the slide with the wrong color to this slide, delete the wrong-color slide, make all the interactions and positions on the adapted slide. A nightmare.

ActivePresenter Version: 6.1.1

OS: Windows 10


In those cases, you can use the “Capture In Advance” function:
Before moving the mouse for doing the step, simply press the hotkey for “Capture In Advance” so that ActivePresenter will capture the screenshot at that time and use it instead of capturing at the time when the mouse is hover already.
The default hotkey for capture in advance is F8, and you can change it if you like in the Hotkeys tab of the Capture Profile Editor:

In short, just press F8 before doing any action!


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Great. Have I already said, that your support is great :slight_smile:

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