Cannot connect to amazon polly

followed this video exactly.

click on ‘test authentication’ prompts ‘invalid key’ so cannot connect to Amazon polly

ActivePresenter version: v8.3.0

OS: windows 10

Notes: google cloud works fine but we need to use amazon polly


Please ensure that you put the correct Access Key, Secret Key, and the Region option. If the problem persists, please send us the log file of ActivePresenter so we can take a closer look.


Does the Amazon polly (or other tts) setting need to go through your servers to take effect? Because I’ve absolutely nothing (no even the credentials previously put in) and retried today, and AP was able to connect Amazon polly just fine.


It’s good to hear that everything works fine now.
Actually, ActivePresenter communicates directly to Amazon Text-to-Speech service. We don’t have any servers. Maybe there was a problem with Amazon services.
