AP7 - where can I change the default settings of objects?

I was trying to find where I can chance the default behaviors and settings of annotation and interaction?
For example, where can I check the fact that SHAPE should show by default in TEST mode?
I’m looking for the ActivePresenter 7 equivalent of this page:

I can’t seem to find it anywhere.
Thanks in advance,

Hi Michael,

Please take a look at this https://atomisystems.com/tutorials/ap7/reuse-object-settings-across-projects/


Thank you, I will look at this.

in the tutorial that is mentioned by @phuongdv it is described how to define global settings, for instance mouse cursor settings. I exactly need this to define some settings before(!) recording some software simulation.
As you can see in the enclosed figure i cannot find the project settings in current version (7.5.5).

So, how can i access the global project settings page?

Best Regards,

Hi Marcel,

There is a change since ActivePresenter 7. Please take a look at https://atomisystems.com/tutorials/ap7/reuse-object-settings-across-projects/


thanks again for support. I saw the tutorial yesterday as well, think that my question is too unclear. The right click menu and “set as default” is a good way to change color, size, opacity etc. of an object. But in old project settings also the Show in Mode could be defined for any objects.

Tried to define default parameters for a cursor, but it seems that not all are supported by Set as Default Cursor Path.

Is there any way to disable click sound before recording software simulation and to define show in mode?

Unfortunately, this feature supports almost types objects except… cursor path. Please use Apply To All button to save time for Click Point and Highlight. There is no workaround for the Show in Mode property. We will try to improve this in the future updates.


Ok, thank you for reply. The old way with global project settings would totally satisfy my expectations. The Apply to All button is a proper workaround for click sound, but frankly, for show in mode one have to expend great effort to modify it manually afterwards. Hope you can improve this easily.

Best regards, have a nice day!