ActivePresenter pointer misaligned

Problem:Recordings made with ActivePresenter show the mouse pointer in the wrong position. The error is small at the top-left, but around mid-screen, the mouse location is represented about 2 inches from actual location, which makes recorded actions look like they’re being done in the wrong place.

Update: I realized that this is happening because I have Screen Scaling in Windows set to 125% (Display Settings…Scale). When set to 100%, the problem goes away. Problem is, I can’t see the screen well this way, so I need a different work-around, please!

ActivePresenter Version: 6.1.1

OS: Windows 10 Pro

Notes: Capture Area is set to Full Screen, Screen Resolution (checked) is 1920x1080

Hi Becky,

We have tested with one monitor and it still works fine. Please make sure that you don’t use two monitors with different DPI settings since ActivePresenter has a known issue in this case. And, also make sure that you have signed out after changing DPI.
