ActivePresenter Keeps Crashing while editing or exporting video

Hi ,
I have problem with active presenter , when i edit some slides (slides contain videos that i recorded useing AP) and play the slides the program Crash , later when i try to export to video the program also crash !

So please i need to export the slides to video it’s very important , any solution ??


Do you see the crash report dialog?
If it appears, please fill your email address and click Send Report so that we can check.
Otherwise, please send us the log file to
You can view the log in Preferences > Miscellaneous > View Log.
If the issue occurs with just one project, we also need that project to analyze.

In addition, you can try the following methods to see if it works:

  • Update ActivePresenter to the latest version.
  • Update your graphics driver
  • Select “Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering” option in Preferences > Miscellaneous


hi , first of all thank you for the fast replay and the great support ,
i did the following and the problem was solved :
1- Updated ActivePresenter to the latest version
2- Restart my Computer
3- Run the program (ActivePresenter ) using my Nvidia GPU (because My lap has two GPUs Intel & Nvidia)

tried again and it did worked and exported the video .

Kind regards

Hi Colinjack,

Thanks for your information. It helps us much for improving the program.
