ActivePresenter 6 - finding mode in Javascript

I would like to replicate the .mode() from active presenter 7 in version 6.
In fact - I would like a button which would

if(Prez.Mode() == “Practice”)
Prez.ShowSlide(Prez.Session.SlideIndex + 2) //go to next slide and play
Prez.ShowSlide(Prez.Session.SlideIndex + 3) //go 2 slides ahead and play

This is so I can attach explanation on how to navigate on slide 2 and 3 which will be different depending if you are in practice mode (navigation enabled, pause button works) or in test (nothing works except the additional pause/go back 10 seconds button you already helped me with).

Thanks a lot in advance,

Hi Michael,

In version 6, you can use Prez.Session.PMode to get the current mode. There are 4 modes: PlayModes.DEMO, PlayModes.TUT, PlayModes.PRAC, PlayModes.TEST


Hi Toanis,
that is what I needed - works fine in my code.
Thanks a lot,