Active Presenter control embedded Saola


Would you have a sample AP project controlling some Saola element?

Thank you

Hi Dom,

To control an embedded Saola Animate output, you need to use Saola Animate JavaScript APIs.
You can see attached projects for a sample that controls Saola Animate timeline.

control Saola.approj (284 KB)
sample.saolapack (2.1 KB)



This is great. I was just missing a part of the first line to get the doc reference right!

Thanks a lot

I have recently starting using Saola on top of AP and I’m trying to run this sample project.
But when I export to and run it as “Test”, the buttons do not do anything… it seems the code fails on this line… “var Saola = prez.object(‘Web Object_3’).frameNode.contentWindow.AtomiSaola;”
I guess, I’m missing something. Do I need to add something related to the API in AP?

Hi Michael,

It’s due to the browser security when opening html file locally (via file:// protocol).
It’ll work well when you upload the output to a web server (or use HTML5 Preview feature in AP).


Correct - once I exported to SCORM and uploaded in to an LMS it worked fine!
Thanks a lot!