Activate dark theme

Problem: how activate dark theme in the french version of active presenter ?

ActivePresenter Version: 8

OS: 10.13.6


So, I don’t see where I have to active the dark theme to have it.

… and the ActivePresenter8_UserManual_en.pdf file is empty !

Hi Gilloo,

ActivePresenter 8 supports changing theme indenpendently from systems settings on Windows only. For macOS, ActivePresenter supports dark theme since version 7 but it depends on system settings. You need to activate dark mode for macOS to use ActivePresenter dark theme. The dark mode for macOS is only available since macOS 10.14.

Regarding the User Manual, it was an error happened while packing the setup package. We have fixed it, so please download the installation package again.

We are sorry for this inconvenience.


OK I understand now? Thank you.