About Crossword Puzzle

Hi Emrah,

Here are some samples made by ActivePresenter:

Feel free to follow up with more details if the above samples do not meet up your expectations.

Quynh Anh


Can I access the aproj file of the example given on this youtube page?

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You can find the sample files here:

The Word Search Puzzle sample is not exactly like the one in the video but I think its logic is the same.



Thank you very much, I want to ask a question. I wonder if we can write only one letter in a square.

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hello, I want to select more than one object by pressing with the mouse, not by clicking. Is this possible

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Could you kindly clarify your request further? Do you mean that you want to restrict the amount of letter that the learner/ viewer could type/ fill in a square?
More information with an image/ video sample is much appreciated.

Quynh Anh

Hi Emrah,

Currently, there is no option like that in ActivePresenter.
Following the settings in our sample seems to be the only workaround here.


It counts correctly when you touch all the letters. Is there any way to prevent this?

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It will really take time for you to add conditions to fully achieve what you want.
So, the conditions here are that the 5 letters must be set to change state to ''Selected" AND at the same time, the other letters are at the default state. Only then can the actions Show Object: Freeform (strikethroughs) take place.

Or, you can add the Remove button following the written tutorial below so the users can remove the unwanted letter before clicking Submit:

Quynh Anh

it didn’t quite meet our needs

Hi guys,

Could you kindly describe your request about this puzzle with more detail so we can help you customize the game (if possible)?
A video recording the game sample (if any) is much appreciated.



We are adding a word search made in html5, but we had a synchronization problem. so we wanted to do it directly on active presenter, but we couldn’t set the control. I’m uploading an example, we would be very happy if you are interested
word searchı aldığımız sitenin adresini de paylaşıyorum:

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As for the dragging feature to draw and choose letters, I’m sorry we do not have plans to support it.
At the moment, we only support fixing the issue about limiting the selected letters until the correct word is formed, which @eyyup_dogan mentioned earlier.

The fixed project is here:
Word Search Puzzle (1).approj (1.7 MB)

The script is added to the On Load event in Slide 2.
So when you click, each letter selection is toggled.
If you want to choose a range, hold shift + click the first and last letter.
To apply this script for another crossword, you need to change the parameters at the first 2 lines and the list: var words = [.

Quynh Anh


Thank you. I’ll look right away.


Hi @QuynhAnh_Vu, Is it possible to have a check mark next to the word on the right after selecting the word and pressing the button?

Thank you for the project. When the right word is selected, I want the check mark to appear next to the word on the right before it disappears. Is it possible to do this?


Hello, thank you very much for your feedback. I would have one more request, after all the words are found, I want to remove the completed feedback. I would be glad if you help.

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Hi guys,

Kindly check the fixed project I’ve just updated in my previous response here.

Take notice that the next time you send a request, please specify all what you want from the beginning so we can fulfil the request more completely and time-saving.
Downloading the fixed projects many times might cause some confusion from your side, too.
Therefore, hope that you can help us support you better with this small request.

Quynh Anh

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Çok Teşekkür Ederiz…

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It worked for me thank you very much.

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