5S SURVEY. Dear Users, We Need Your Help!

@Chante - Another Captivate convert - Welcome!

Point 1 - I agree. I have seen more comparisons to video editors rather than eLearning authoring tools.

Point 2 - Freedom and flexibility is one of the most important aspects for me. That absolutely includes the ability to code with good support. I LOVE the JavaScript support offered by ActivePresenter. Without that - I would have been unable to switch myself.

Point 3 - I agree with the comment on states. It would be nice to add additional images to a state for example as well as the ability to simply go to the next or previous state as an action. Could make some nice gallery-like carousels or mimic some 3D rotation of items much easier.

Point 4 - 100%

Side note - donā€™t be afraid of coding. Always good to learn new things and you might be surprised at how many doors you can open with it.

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Hi! Thanks for the reply, Greg! Iā€™ve looked at some of the projects you posted and am very impressed. :sunglasses:

Iā€™m glad JavaScript is supported; I just hope that the programā€™s capabilities continue to increase, making it less necessary. I would like to learn JavaScript someday. I saw the tutorials you made (:pray:t3:) on it and made a note of them for futureā€¦ But in the midst of an all-consuming dissertation, so definitely not the near futureā€¦ :slight_smile: