2 questions in a Pool of 8 questions random


You can’t use the random slide feature for your case. It doesn’t randomize the slides again when you restart the presentation as I said.

You can use script to show normal slides randomly as this sample: recreate-random-slides.approj (740 KB)


Very Thanks Toan.
I will buy 4 licenses of the software. :blush:

Two questions:

  1. this sample project will work also when I use a pool with 6 questions? (not 8 questions as your sample)

  2. I need another sample where I have a video and there will be 4 steps of quiz during the video (1 random question from a pool of 4).
    And so if the video is long 5 minutes, the random question must to appear, for example:

1st step - 02:00 min - 1st random question from pool 1
2nd step - 03:00 min - 2nd random question from pool 2
3rd step - 04:00 min - 3rd random question from pool 3
4th step - 05:00 min - 4th random question from pool 4

Naturally if the user gives the wrong answer, he must return to the previous step.
Please can you provide me another sample for this?

Very thanks


  1. Yes, you just need to update the script in the first slide On Load event:
  // recreate random slides
  // 2 random slides in a pool of 6 slides, the pool starts from slide 5
  prez.myInitRandomSlides(2, 6, 5);

Please note that my sample is just a workaround with many limitations, such as:

  • Score in percentage will not work correctly because the total maximum score will take all questions from the pool into account.
  • Users can click on the player progress bar to jump to a slide in the pool. You should disable navigation in Player Settings > General tab to prevent it.

We’ll consider adding an option to recreate a new random set of slides (or something like that) if there are many requests from users.

  1. Do you want to show questions over the video, or questions and video are in different slides?


very thanks.

  1. Ok, I will update the script.
  • Consider i will set up the score in points, and so, when a user gain 2 points, the quiz ends.

  • I have already disabled the player progress.
    Can I also hide the current-slide/total slide on the bar?

  1. I need that when the questions appears, the video must to stop, and if the user gives the wrong answer, he must return to the previous step.
    And so they could appear over the video.


@ToanLS for the point 2?
Very thanks, this is foundamental for me before to buy the licenses.


  1. The most simple way is hiding the progress bar in Player Settings > Toolbar
  2. Please see this sample: recreate-random-questions-at-random-time-2.approj (3.5 MB)
    You need to do the following steps:
  • Insert slide questions, set their max attempts to Infinite.
  • Copy the questions and question titles (without slides) and paste into the video slide.
  • Rename the questions and question titles (e.g. Q1_P1 for question 1 in pool1)
  • Set them initial hidden.
  • Update names of questions, question titles, section times, question random time ranges… in Project > Properties > Event.
    You can add as many sections and questions as you want.


Dear @ToanLS,
Very Thanks!!

Now, it works!
But I have 2 questions:

  1. I need the questions in “Multiple Choice” format
  2. After a user give the wrong answer, at the future attemps, the question has already taken (see image). Can I avoid this?

Thanks again
Schermata 2020-11-18 alle 04.51.11


  1. You can use any question format.
  2. You an update the script in Project Event as follows:
// search for this line
// and change it to



  1. Perfect, done!
  2. How can I change the format (I need multiple choice), without creating a new question slide?

My goal is:

  • 4 sections
  • 4 questions for each section (multiple choice format)

If the video is, for example 1hour long, how can set a section time range in milliseconds (e.g. from 14min to 16min)?

If you send me another sample project with these settings, I will be very grateful.

There’s no way, you must insert your new questions.

1 minute = 60 seconds = 60 x 1000 milliseconds

It’s very easy to add sections, questions to my sample. Please do it yourself.


1 minute = 60 seconds = 60 x 1000 milliseconds

Ok! Perfect!

There’s no way, you must insert your new questions.

Ok, but if I add a new question, the software, by default, create a new slide. How to insert like yours questions?

I’ve already mentioned it in my answer:


I have tried to copy and paste over the video, but there is not the same to your paste.
See the attachement.

Thanks Toan!!!

1 Like

Hi @ToanLS ,
if in a question I would to insert an image (as title of the question or as option of answer).
how could I proceed, without create a new layer?



It’s not possible to insert images into a Multiple Choice question.
But you can insert images as separated layers and update the script as follows:

  1. Add array of image objects’ names to the question data, for example:
    title: 'Q1_P1_Title',
    question: 'Q1_P1',
    images: ['Q1_P1_Img1', 'Q1_P1_Img2']
  1. Add script to show/hide images in myShowQuestion function
  prez.myShowQuestion = function(show) {
    if (!this.myShowingQuestion)
    var images = this.myShowingQuestion.images;
    if (images) {
      for (var i = 0; i < images.length; ++i) {
        var imageObject = this.object(images[i]);
        if (show)
    //..... (original code from if (show) {


I have solved! Thanks

1 Like

Dear @ToanLS,
I bought 3 licenses of the software.
Now, the script works fine.
The only problem is:
If I set a range for the a poll of questions from 0.10 to 0.15 sec
and I don’t pause or restart the video before this range, all works good.
But if I pause the video before the range or restart the video, the range pool appears before.

What is the problem in the script?


Can you please let me know your order reference number or the email your placed the order?

My script use setTimeout function for showing the question randomly so it’ll not work correctly if you pause or seek (e.g. restart, go to another slide) the presentation.


I have already write at support@atomisystems.com could You answer me there?